Who We are and What We Do

Every year thousands of patents, mostly from small inventors, go unnoticed. You may have the greatest idea ever, but if you don’t have a champion and know how to get noticed, making money will be difficult. Let us help.

Inventvest exists to help inventors monetize their intellectual property (“IP”). We don’t help with the patent or copyright process. You must already have an issued patent, have filed a patent application or registered your copyright to submit your IP to Inventvest. We don’t accept all intellectual property submitted, but if we accept yours, we’ll do our best to make you money because, if you don’t make money, we don’t. It’s that simple.

We help inventors promote their ideas in an attempt to make them reality. We’ll help you license your IP to companies for royalty payments and, if you decide, we’ll help you negotiate the sale of your IP. Keep in mind, we will use our best efforts to make this happen, but we cannot guarantee success.

If you don’t have an issued patent, a pending patent application  or registered copyright, we can suggest firms to contact that can make that happen for you. Inventvest gets no compensation for its referrals.  Your trust is our number one priority.

circuit board
circuit board and LEDs

We do not sue on your behalf for any infringement of your rights. In some instances, you may have to hire a law firm to stop infringement, but that is not what we do.

Our primary goal is to create mutually beneficial partnerships between intellectual property holders and those with a need and desire to license it. In fact, Inventvest  benefits most when BOTH parties succeed. IP owners are encouraged to, optionally, contact us once they have a commercial product ready. If your IP is selected, Inventvest will, at your request, highlight your product on our site and provide information and links to outlets and dealers where they may be purchased.